Show Horse NSW Committee
Equestrian NSW invites nominations to serve on the Show Horse NSW Committee. Seven positions are available, for terms of one and two years, with nominations closing on Monday 29 August 22.
The Board is keen to have a representative Committee, with a deep and broad understanding of Show Horse, across the functions of governance and finance, safety and risk, marketing and communications, member protection, officials, coaching and event management.
Once appointed, the positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary will be elected by the Committee. Sub-committees will then be appointed to stage the shows and clinics and manage officials education.
The Show Horse NSW Committee Nomination and Resume forms, the Show Horse NSW Committee Terms of Reference and Equestrian NSW Committees Code of Conduct and Ethics are attached.
If you have any questions, please email Bruce Farrar at [email protected] or call 9620 2660.
ENSW Committees Code of Conduct and Ethics - 2022.pdf
Show Horse NSW Committee - ToR V2.pdf
Committee Nomination Form - 2022.pdf
Committee Nominee Resume - 2022.docx