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NEWS > General
Posted by Linda Skinner on 17/08/2020.

Member Update - Equestrian Australia Constitution Changes

Since the Equestrian Australia (EA) Voluntary Administration Second Creditors Meeting, the State Branches and KordaMentha have been working together, to agree the changes to the EA Constitution, that are required under the Member endorsed Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA).

The principle of one member one vote has been embraced, as well as the role of the Branches.  The attached document provides a summary of the proposed changes to the EA Constitution, which will be voted on at the upcoming Special General Meeting.

This will mean that EA will not be placed into liquidation.

The Equestrian NSW Board looks forward to working with the new EA Interim Board, to deliver a fairer, more democratic and representative governance structure, for the benefit of all Members.



Summary - EA Constitution Changes.pdf

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