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NEWS > Education
Posted by Equestrian New South Wales on 22/05/2019.
Darryl Durham from Optimum Edge presenting to Coach Educators and Skill Specific Trainer/Assessors
Sue Birch

CE/SSTA Update CLinic - Day 2

The second day of the Coach/CE/SSTA Update Clinic was specifically for Coach Educators and Skill Specific Trainers/Assessors. 18 CEs and SSTAs, including 5 new SSTA trainees, were treated to a challenging, intensive yet fun workshop delivered by Darryl Durham from Optimum Edge. 

Every participant was assessed on their presentation skills with feedback and assessment being provided by Darryl and all the other coaches, as well as by self-reflection. The assessment skills of each coach were also being continuously assessed throughout the day with the focus being on assessing observable behaviours.

Participants were often taken out of their comfort zone and given the opportunity to develop and hone skills.

Sue Cunningham, L2D, Dressage Judge Educator, Trainee SSTA, summed up her experience "Thank you for a super SSTA/CE seminar. It was informative, constructive, a little confronting, but character building. And best of all, uniting for all the coaches."

Nell Marshman, L1G Trainee SSTA, travelled 5 hours to attend the clinic and said "Wow! What a super 2 days at the CE/SSTA Update workshop. I learnt so much about assessing coaches' performance and also about my own. Thank you to all the organisers and helpers. A most inspiring 2 days."

The Coaching NSW Committee is holding 2 further Coach/CE/SSTA clinics in NSW. 

  • 3 and 4 June in Murrumbateman
  • 30 and 31 July at AELEC at Tamworth.

Contact Sue Birch at ENSW on [email protected] or on [email protected] to get your registration form and register to become part of the action.




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