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NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian New South Wales on 03/07/2017.
NSW Environment Minister Gabrielle Upton’s priority is for the NSW Container Deposit Scheme to be easy to use, accessible for the community and good for the environment
NSW Govt

NSW Container Deposit Scheme for Sporting Clubs

The introduction of a NSW Container Deposit Scheme will provide great opportunities for sporting groups and an environmental game-changer for NSW.

It is the single largest litter-reduction initiative to be introduced in NSW and will support our sporting groups and charities with fundraising opportunities.

The scheme will deliver on a commitment to deliver a cost-efficient world best practice model.

The NSW Environment Minister Gabrielle Upton’s priority is for the scheme to be easy to use, accessible for the community and good for the environment – helping to reduce the 160 million drink containers littered in NSW every year. It will play a big part in helping the NSW Government meet the Premier’s goal to reduce litter volume by 40 per cent by 2020.

Commencing on 1 December 2017 the CDS will provide a 10-cent refund on eligible drink containers (most between 150mls-3 litres) resulting in benefits to the environment of $282 million over next 20 years and providing great opportunities for the community to raise funds for community projects.

In South Australia last year participating charities and community groups raised millions of dollars and from 1 December that same fundraising opportunity will be open to NSW charities, schools, sporting clubs and community groups.

Sporting groups will be able to collect donations of eligible drink containers at their sporting events and from friends, family and the community, to redeem at approved collection points for 10 cents each.

Sporting groups can also apply to be an approved collection point. Network operators will select collection point sites when they are appointed shortly, but you can register your interest now on the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) website.

The NSW Government will provide more information about these opportunities in the coming months.

The NSW container deposit scheme is an exciting opportunity for everyone to participate in keeping our environment litter-free and in supporting our communities. Find out how you can be involved by visiting www.epa.nsw.gov.au or by emailing [email protected] to sign up to the new CDS newsletter.

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