Vaulting State Championships - Report
The Vaulting NSW State Championships were held on the 19th, 20th and 21st August 2016 at K Ranch Arena in Mount Hunter, NSW. Ninety six competitors from NSW, Byron Bay and WA competed on 21 horses which came from as far as Leeton, Bathurst and Hunter Valley.
This competition was organized and run by a committee representing VNSW and was comprised of representatives of the various clubs throughout NSW. The organising committee was wonderfully supported by a large group of volunteers that helped the event run smoothly. Held at the superb facilities of K-Ranch in Mount Hunter, the horses and vaulters were well catered for. A highlight of the event was the generous roast dinner provided by the K-Ranch chefs, in the warm glow of the fire pit.
Ruth Skrzypek from NECQ won the Open Individual Female Championship on Hunterview Sinatra lunged by Robyn Boyle. Emily Jones and Bronagh Miskelly from Sydney Vaulting Group won the Intermediate PDD on Kingston Legato lunged by Lyn Lynch. The Intermediate Squad was also from Sydney Vaulting Group. Bronagh Miskelly, Eliza Wark-Chapman, Emily Jones, Nicole Collett, Rebecca Howard and Claire Begg performed both compulsories and the freestyle on Kingston Legato with Lyn Lynch lunging. Reserves for the team were Jamie Haste and Claudia Leahy.
As usual, the walk classes were well subscribed and the Green Horse class had 6 horses entered. It was great to see some new horses coming into the sport. Walk Individual and PDD classes went well, showcasing our up and coming young vaulters. Barrel events were also popular.
VNSW would like to express its sincere thanks to all members of all clubs who assisted with the running of the event. It is the contribution of volunteers that makes events such as this successful, supporting each other and their state representative body.