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Posted by Equestrian New South Wales on 06/08/2015.

ENSW Team Announced for Australian Interschool Championships

The standard was high and the number of applications received showed a high level of interest for selection onto the NSW team for the upcoming Australian Interschool Championships. These will be held at SIEC from 28th September to 2nd October 2015.

The selection criteria is different to other states as NSW not only look at the State Championship results, but also at external results to ensure that horse and rider combinations are established at the levels they are competing in.  Also taken into account is the amount of volunteering time competitors give back to their chosen discipline and why they want to be on the team to ensure a well rounded application.

While our task was a rather large one as the quality was exceptionally good, we unfortunately cannot accept all applications.  Once the team has been selected, the selectors decision is final. The team for each discipline (4-5 members) is chosen along with a reserve rider.

Equestrian NSW thanks all of the applicants and looks forward to the Championships in September.  For those that missed out we look forward to welcoming you to our State Championships in 2016.

Congratulation to the following NSW Team Members

NSW Team Document.pdf

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