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NEWS > General
Posted by Linda Skinner on 06/11/2023.

Call for ENSW Board and Committee Members

Are you passionate about equestrian sport? Do you have professional skills that you could contribute to our sport? Are you a current member of Equestrian NSW and over 18? Then you are invited to nominate yourself for the Equestrian NSW Board or Committees to help shape the future of equestrian sport in NSW.


Equestrian NSW – Board Nominations

Under the Equestrian NSW Incorporated Constitution, the terms of three current Board Directors (Sue Cunningham, Lisa Winn and Amber Fuller) end at the next Annual General Meeting, which is planned to be held on Wednesday 13 November, via video conference. 

Amber Fuller has advised that she will not re-stand as she is pursuing competition experience overseas. Amber has made a significant contribution to the ENSW Board representing High Performance athletes and we thank her for her ongoing commitment to equestrian activities in NSW and will follow her closely as she competes in Europe.

Sue Cunningham and Lisa Winn are eligible to re-stand.

In addition to the above, Coco Miles has advised that she has accepted a role as High Performance Manager for Jumping with Equestrian Australia and will be unable to continue on the ENSW Board. Coco has also made a significant contribution to the Board of ENSW and we thank her for her service and dedication to the equestrians of NSW.

Accordingly, nominations are invited to fill the four Board positions from suitably qualified and experienced people, with the skills, experience and commitment to oversee all equestrian sports under the Equestrian NSW banner.

The term is two years.  You need to be at least eighteen years old and be a current financial Senior Competitor, Life, Honorary Life, Supporter or Participant member.

Your nomination will be confidential and only visible to the CEO of ENSW in the first instance and will be then shared with the remaining ENSW Board members and reviewed by the Board to ensure that nominees have the background and expertise that will complement the three remaining directors (Brad Frankum, Gillian Burns and Amy Eggleton). In the event of suitable nominee numbers exceeding vacancies an election will be held using the independent Vero voting service.


From/ Background/ Expertise

Brad Frankum

Greater Sydney/ Elite Jumping/ Medical & Australian Medical Association NSW President, ex- member of NSW Showjumping Council

Amy Eggleton

Central West/ Eventing/ Finance and HR/ Ex-chair of Finance, Audit & Risk Management Committee

Gillian Burns

Hills District/ Vaulting/ Veterinarian & PHD in Horse Rehabilitation


To apply please complete the Nomination form via the following link selecting the position(s) that you wish to apply for. https://forms.office.com/r/kDqVXa9fLM

The closing date for nominations is 9am on the 13th November, 2023.

Equestrian NSW –Committees Vacancies

All positions are for two years.  You need to be at least eighteen years old and be a current, financial Senior Competitor, Life, Honorary Life, Supporter or Participant member.

Your nomination will be confidential and only visible to the CEO of ENSW in the first instance and will be then shared with the remaining ENSW Board members and reviewed by the Board to ensure that nominees have the necessary background and expertise. In the event of suitable nominee numbers exceeding vacancies selection of committee members will be made by the Equestrian NSW Board of Directors.

To apply please complete the Nomination form via the following link selecting the position(s) that you wish to apply for. https://forms.office.com/r/kDqVXa9fLM

The closing date for nominations is 9am on the 13th November, 2023.

ENSW Coaching Committee

The Equestrian NSW Coaching Committee aims to continuously improve the standard of equestrian coaching in NSW and is responsible for coordinating coach education in NSW. They also provide practical and technical support to coaches across NSW and provide input and feedback to the Equestrian Australia Coaching Accreditation program on behalf of NSW Coaches.

There is a current vacancy on the committee and two current members, Rachael Downs and Caroline Hooper have reached the end of their term and are eligible to re-stand.

ENSW Show Horse Committee

The ENSW Show Horse Committee aims to promote and expand the program of EA Show Horse Competitions within NSW.

There are currently up to four positions that are yet to be filled on this dynamic and dedicated committee.

ENSW Driving Committee

Driving is a small, but growing discipline within NSW. ENSW is seeking to re-establish a Driving Committee to promote and facilitate EA Driving Competition and support ENSW affiliated driving clubs.

There are up to eight positions available on the committee.

ENSW Para & Equibility Committee

This committee is to be established to promote the interests of Paraquestrian and Equibility athletes in NSW. It is line with the announcement at the Equestrian Australia AGM that Paraquestrian would be established as a separate discipline.

There are up to eight positions available on the committee.

ENSW Interschools Committee

Junior riders make up 25% of the membership of Equestrian NSW and have the potential to be long-term members. The Interschools program is designed to cater for this demographic – the majority of whom are still at school. The Equestrian NSW Interschools Committee is established to facilitate interschool activities on behalf of Equestrian NSW.

ENSW is re-establishing the State Interschools committee in line with the establishment of the National Interschool Committee.

There are up to eight positions available on the committee.

ENSW Amateur Adult Athlete Committee

Adult Amateur Riders make up a significant number of the members of Equestrian NSW. The Equestrian NSW Adult Amateur Committee is established to facilitate adult, amateur activities on behalf of Equestrian NSW. The primary purpose of this committee is to support adult, amateur athletes in accordance with Equestrian NSW's values and strategic plan.

The Committee complements rather than detracts from the activities of the equestrian discipline committees and organisations within NSW.

There are up to eight positions available on the committee.

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