Equestrian NSW in conjunction with the discipline committees support the delay in the implementation of the EA Hendra By-Law.
EA released a statement in September which inpart states the following:
"In line with the Hendra Vaccination By-Law, EA has reviewed the By-Law before the proposed implementation date which was 1st October 2014.
In the review process, EA has taken into account submissions from members, its Branches and club affiliates. EA has also recently received further scientific advice upon vaccination duration and immunity, and the correlation of the geography/known distribution of flying fox species and their relationship to infected premises/outbreak.
EA has decided to delay the implementation date of the Hendra Vaccination By-Law until it has taken enough time to fully consider the impact of the developments on the risk-assessment of a Hendra Outbreak at EA events and the role vaccination will play to mitigate the risk. EA will continue to review and assess the impact of the By-Law on horses, members and event organisers.
The EA Hendra Vaccination By-Law currently remain effective but now has a delayed implementation date. EA expects that further enquiries, review and consultation is likely to take 8-12 weeks and that EA will provide 3 month's notice of the future implementation date of its Hendra Vaccination By-Law."
At the completion of the review and on further advice from EA, Equestrian NSW will advise its members of the outcome.
Equestrian Australia's Hendra Update
Please note anyone is welcome to make a submission to the ACCC
For further information please go to the following link.